Let’s Talk Literacy

Literacy is something we begin to work on from a young age. We spend our whole lives fine tuning it and building on our knowledge. It is something that nobody can take away from us. Therefore we should appreciate it and always be working on it.

I have an example of my stages of literacy to help give a visual aid to go along with the stages. Here is a link to my literacy timeline

Stage 0: Birth-6 Years Old

  • Follows Pictures/Shared reading
  • Knows less than half the alphabet
  • Knows you read left to right

Stage 2: Ages 7-9

  • Learning to read
  • Increasing Vocabulay

Stage 3a: Ages 9-12

  • Students writing starting to be more complex
  • Doing actual research for works of writing
  • Reading to learn

Stage 4: Ages 15-18

  • More advanced writing
  • Starting to work on scholarly items
  • Acquired 12 years of knowledge and can now apply it

Stages of literacy will carry on to learning about digital writing. It is important for us to teach students using other forms of literacy skills. This meme is meant to represent students being excited to not have to write a paper to show they have an understanding of the material. Instead the students can make a music video, putting their knowledge into lyrics.

2 thoughts on “Let’s Talk Literacy”

  1. I like how your paragraph is simple and short. As well I like how you broke up the stages of literacy into 3 different sections.

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