Civic Dialogue: Engaging Students in Difficult Conversations
Longwood University Teaching and Learning Institute
May 16, 2022
9:00am-5:15pm w/ reception following
Blackwell Hall
This year’s Teaching & Learning Institute at Longwood University addresses the needs of students and educators in light of our current political and media climate. The polarization we see beyond our campuses can complicate our mission as educators in guiding civic dialogue and engagement. Our times demand renewed efforts and strategies for teaching students how to have difficult dialogues connected to being citizens together.
We developed this year’s institute with these goals in mind: How might we best we help students
- understand how their biases affect their beliefs, knowledge, and perceptions
- understand the goals of free speech in academic settings
- practice and acquire skills for participating in and initiating difficult dialogues
- become cognizant of how situational factors in their communities, families, or government influence dialogue
This institute aims to bring together faculty and staff to explore key concepts and skills that will enhance your participation in and facilitation of enriching conversations on critical questions. Following the keynote address, participants will practice what they learned and engage in a deliberative forum focusing on free speech and the inclusive campus. Throughout the day, participants will also choose from a variety of concurrent sessions centered on the Institute theme.
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