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The Beautiful High Bridge Trail (travel experience)
When my roommate and I traveled the five miles down to High Bridge, the first thing we did was get a map from the bike shop. One of the guys who works there is from Virginia Beach just like me, so I like to say “hello” to him. After that, we were on our way.
Almost as soon as we were on the trail, we met a dog! He was still a puppy, so he jumped all over me and possibly damaged my water bottle holder, but that is okay because he was very sweet. About a minute after that, we reached a telephone tower that was covered with and surrounded by dozens of birds. We later figured out that they were black vultures, which are quite large and have unique white marks on their wings. We spent at least five minutes just watching them before we continued.
I then learned that squirrels are far more talkative creatures than I was aware of, which was both an interesting discovery and a relieving one because it made me realize that all of the creepy bush-rustling sounds were just these silly little rodents. After this, we discovered a snake’s skin, but we did not, unfortunately, see any whole snakes.
We eventually stopped for a snack break during which we saw several daddy long-legs on a poll. We saw far more long-legs at the restroom later on, along with dozens of ladybugs just on the ceiling of one of them, but this is unfortunately the only picture of either of these insects that I took. No ladybugs this time 🙁
We passed by many people’s properties along the way, including one that had an old, broken down bus on it. My two favorites, however, were the house with the dog that said “hello” to us and the pasture with two horses. They were right next to a huge field with what appeared to be a track for horses to practice jumping hurdles on, so hopefully I will one day pass by while they are training.
After many interesting animals, leaves, and games or twenty questions, my roommate and I finally arrived at High Bridge. We had a snack there and my roommate dropped several chips through the cracks into the void, and we met some very nice dogs, too. The view was nice, but we were too tired and hot to stay for long.
When we finally began to walk another five miles back, we saw this beautiful caterpillar that I believe should be the last thing I show you on this essay because we were too tired to appreciate much of the walk back, and he is a very pretty caterpillar.