Travel Experience:

November 21st, 2023

In May of 2022, my family took a trip to Virginia Beach. It was our annual family reunion, which is the first time my family has been to in a little while. It was so nice to see my family members I haven’t seen for a little while. I was so excited to see my favorite cousin, but that didn’t go as planned. When I heard that she wasn’t able to attend the family reunion I was a little hurt, since I was waiting forever to see her again. But my twin did her best to try to cheer me up, and still get a chance to enjoy this trip. 

I was really hurt about my favorite cousin not being able to attend. I didn’t even want to be on the trip any more; just ready to pack everything up and head back home. But everyone was telling me I could still enjoy the trip even without my cousin being there. At the time I really didn’t want to hear all that. 

Since I was upset, I just wanted to be left alone. At the time, I was laying down trying to take a nap since I had nothing else to do. As soon as I closed my eyes, I heard my sister calling my name. She was asking me if I wanted to color with her. I had agreed to color with her. We got our coloring supplies, some snacks, and started to play some music. Then after a little while, we talked about how I should still attend the family reunion. Once she said that, I knew it was time to start getting ready to leave.

After some time spent with my sister, I decided to actually go to the family reunion. When we got there, everyone was happy to see us and spend time with one another. Later on that night, I was thinking to myself that just maybe I was overreacting. I could have maybe not got so upset about my cousin not showing up, and give my sister the opportunity to actually enjoy the trip and not have to worry about making me happy. But one thing about it is that she is willing to do anything  to put a smile on my face.

Even though I was a little hurt at the beginning of the trip, I’m glad my sister was there for me. Not a whole lot of people will understand the bonds that twins share with one another and that’s okay. I know people thought how cool it was that my sister helped me get over being sad. Sometimes we both struggle to realize is, it’s okay to rely on one another.So, if this experience has taught me anything, I would say it has taught me that sometimes your twin can make all your problems go away. If it wasn’t for her, I would have probably been in a sad funk the whole trip. Overall, twins really are built in besties. I’m so grateful and blessed to have a twin like her. 

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