After breakfast we broke camp and left for Fairbanks.  The first stop was a quick stop at Coldfoot for gas — and some more coffee.

We stopped at Yukon River briefly for gas before continuing the journey to Fairbanks.

We stopped for lunch at Hess Creek.  The bugs were very bad at this stop.  Most people in the group wore bug nets most of the time outdoors because of the bugs — mostly mosquitoes.

Our final stop before Fairbanks was another stop at the Pipeline Vistors’ Center to recap the experience of the Dalton Highway.

We made it back to UAF (University of Alaska Fairbanks), where we stay in Fairbanks, in middle afternoon. The students had some time to move in, unpack, shower, and rest.

We ended the day with a trip to North Pole, Alaska.  The goal was to eat dinner and have time for place-as-text North Pole, but the meal took a very long time, so there was not much time left for other activities there.  We debriefed the trip on the way back to UAF. It was very different from what everyone expected.