Showing teachers how to use technology earns governor’s award for institute

A Governor’s Technology Award was accepted by (from left) Bill Wilson of the SVRTC, Dr. Mano Talaiver of the ITTIP, and Dr. Deneese Jones and Dr. Ken Perkins of Longwood.
Longwood’s Institute for Teaching through Technology and Innovative Practices (ITTIP), with its partner the Southside Virginia Regional Technology Consortium (SVRTC), received a statewide technology award for its collaborative learning opportunities for teachers and students.
The ITTIP was one of two winners in the Innovation in Higher Education category in the Governor’s Technology Awards, presented Sept. 7, 2010, at the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Innovative Technology Symposium in Richmond. The award, presented by Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, was based on the ITTIP’s and SVRTC’s ongoing work of implementing and demonstrating the effective use of a wide range of technology tools and applications. These include interactive videoconferencing; a videobridge to connect multiple points; webconferencing; virtualization, an open-classroom server for wiki; Moodle, an open-source content management system; and Elgg, an open-source social networking engine.
“With limited resources these days, collaboration is critical for successful implementation of programs,” said Dr. Manorama “Mano” Talaiver, ITTIP director.