Student-organized Relay for Life raises $68,445 for cancer research

Relay for Life is an annual campus event for Longwood students, faculty and staff.
Longwood’s 2011 Relay for Life raised $68,445 in donations for the American Cancer Society, exceeding the 2010 total by more than $18,000.
Fifty-four teams involving 948 participants took part in the April 15 event, which lasted 12 hours and included a Survivors’ Reception, Survivors’ Lap, Care Givers’ Lap and the lighting of luminaria in honor or memory of loved ones. Dr. Jim Jordan, professor of anthropology and a cancer survivor, presented the keynote address, which was themed “Re-Lei for Life: Say Aloha to a Cure.”
Dr. Maureen Walls-McKay, interim director of Longwood’s Counseling Center, advises the student committee that organizes the annual event.