
Message from the Foundation President

Greetings from the Longwood University Foundation Board of Directors. It is our distinct pleasure to provide you with the 2010-11 President’s Report and Annual Report of Gifts, which includes this Financial Report of the Longwood University Foundation, Inc.

The intent of the President’s Report is to inform, thank and encourage. Even if you graduated as few as five years ago, you will see things that you have never seen before. As a donor, you will surely get the sense that your monies have gone to very good causes. Perhaps more than anything else, we hope that you get excited and feel compelled to become further engaged in Longwood through donations of your time, treasures and talents.

As the custodian of donations to the University, the Longwood Foundation has taken care throughout the year to ensure that your gifts have been put to the highest and best use in support of Longwood. Central to making that happen are the 28 members of the Foundation Board, who not only love the University but also employ their professional expertise in the various functions of the Foundation.

Members of the Board include accountants, people from the business and financial sectors, and educators who donate perhaps their most valuable asset: their time. These volunteers are supported by a very professional and responsive office staff. The collective talents and efforts of these people should be a source of pride for all members of the Longwood community. We have all seen reports of charitable organizations run amok, with the correct response being greater scrutiny from the federal government and the public as a whole. Not so at the Longwood University Foundation.

I have served on the Foundation Board for nine years and am now completing my fourth, and last, year as its president. It has truly been an honor and privilege for me, personally, to serve with these people over the years. I owe each person who has contributed in any way to the workings of the Board a debt of gratitude. Most importantly to our donors, I leave the Board knowing that the future is in very wise (and caring) hands.

We hope that this report will inspire you to be a continuing part of this culture of philanthropy. Your support will help make Longwood the very best that it can be. Remember, as state funding for higher education diminishes across the nation, each gift has an even greater impact. A contribution to Longwood becomes, in fact, a contribution to our collective future.

Thank you for your time, your interest and your support.

R. Kenneth Marcus ’82
President, Longwood University Foundation Inc.