Course Journals


The journal entry assignments that occurred through the duration of this course were easily applicable and helped me to meet many of the course objectives. The second objective that addresses the use of rhetorical situation was exemplified by the journal entry on Hitler’s Battle. Through this entry I was able to determine purpose, audience, and context of Hitler’s Mein Kampf. This journal entry helped me to apply the rhetorical situation and see how it is used in real life situations. In the journal “Rhetorical Artifact” and “Identifying Appeals and fallacies” the second learning outcome is also addressed by performing two different analyses on different forms of arguments. The journal entry on Thoreau’s Civil Disobedience, addressed the fifth course learning outcome by exhibiting how we as students can apply the knowledge, we have gained in this course to be active citizen leaders. Although, Thoreau did not take this general education class, it was easy to see how an individual could apply the information we have learned in this class to be an active citizen leader. These assignments did help me to practice rhetorical tools and how to identify them. These assignments exposed the class to many different types of writings and aided my knowledge of picking appropriate writing styles for certain situations. In the beginning it was difficult to pick out the rhetorical tools and to understand some of the literature provided, but as the semester proceeded it became less challenging. Overall, the journal entries were crucial in developing skills to reach the learning outcomes.