Self-Care Plan

According to the American Counseling Association (ACA), self-care can be any intentional actions and experiences we get involved in to balance or enhance the physical, emotional, mental, and social aspects of our lives. The self-care strategies I am going to implement in my life are as follows:

Gratitude Practice: I will regularly practice gratitude exercises to remind myself about the good things that are happening every day despite the struggles of graduate school.

Exercise: I will work out at least three times a week to build strength, release some happy hormones, and maintain my body weight.

Connection: Connection is a major part of my self-care to keep me going. I will stay connected with my partner, my family back home, and my friends from Nepal through video calls. This will help me overcome loneliness and longing of people I love.

Journaling: I will journal my thoughts and feelings on a regular basis to gain clarity and a realistic mindset. Jotting down things in my mind will help me process the complex emotions and enable me to observe my own thoughts and their validity.

Mindfulness meditation: I will practice mindfulness meditation on a regular basis to bring me into the present moment and to relax my mind.

Dance: I will dance once in a while to get into the flow and feel happy by doing something I love.

Cook at home: Cooking Nepalese food at home will help me deal with loneliness and homesickness. Eating my favorite foods can make me joyful.

Read books and listen to podcasts: I will read books and listen to podcasts related to coursework, counseling, mental health, and self-development to ensure my continuous learning.

Calendar: I will create a calendar for actions to be taken ahead of time to remain ahead of my assignments and other work.

Seek counseling at the times of need: I will seek individual counseling when nothing feels like working. The professional help will enable me to create an equilibrium state by addressing my issues.