Due to Covid-19, this class became a hybrid class, which did not affect the class too much. This class was your basic chemistry class for the most part. The only major difference was how in-depth each of this chemistry class went.
We discussed basic chemistry like the pH scale and the laws of thermal dynamics, but we also discussed how to balance chemical equations using various methods and techniques. This class in particular focused a good bit of time learning the mathematical side of chemistry, which is something that was glazed over in my previous chemistry classes.
Alongside the normal chemistry class was the chemistry lab, which was all take home labs due to Covid-19. These labs would help teach us how to use what we just learned in class, and how these would be used in a real-world application. These labs would also teach us how to write a lab report correctly.
Above is the work from lab two where we had to measure and see if diet products had a difference in density to normal, non-diet, product. The class also had to write a results portion to a research paper.