
Community is one of the most important things we have in the world. Community is the people around you, the groups you take part in, and the friends and family who always have your back. Having a community here at Longwood has been amazing and a huge part of my success both academically and personally. One of the very first people I met here as a scared freshman was my then next-door neighbor in Wheeler Hall, and she has become one of my closest lifelong friends! As a relatively small school with a small Environmental Science major, I have become close with many of the students in my major and it is comforting to see them all each semester and know they are all great people who want me to succeed. They have all been extremely encouraging and helpful throughout my time here at Longwood. Longwood has excellent avenues for creating a community, such as requiring students to live on-campus in a dorm at the beginning of our college careers, offering a wide variety of clubs/sports/organizations, and encouraging students to get involved in these activities and this has been very beneficial for me especially as I am sometimes a bit shy and reluctant to get involved if I don’t know anyone.