Symposium Presentation

The question I explored for this honors enhancement of EASC 435 addressed the historical component of modes of inquiry: How have rainwater harvesting systems played a role in history and how have they evolved since then with modern technologies?

To address this, in addition to the EASC 435 course project pertaining to rainwater harvesting systems being tested at the Longwood EEC, I researched the history of rainwater harvesting systems such as how they were created and used thousands of years ago in ancient civilizations and why they were and still are so important as they have evolved. Below is the video presentation I submitted to the showcase.

This project not only taught me more about Rainwater Harvesting, an important topic in Environmental Science, but it also helped me learn and practice skills pertaining to recording video and audio and publishing it in a way that it can be easily accessible to anyone with the link. This is useful knowledge to have that will likely be utilized in the job environment if, for example, a deadly virus puts everyone into quarantine and communication must be through videos and video calls. It also helped me to look at a science topic from a different perspective: the history of the science. Learning about how something came to be can help future progression and development of the technology.