ECON 301- Study Abroad in Costa Rica

Costa Rica has a historically agricultural economy, however the role of which is diminishing as the consequences of deforestation become more apparent. The country is now a leader in sustainable development, energy independence, and strong nationwide environmental ethic. Ecotourism is what has made this possible. It involves utilizing locations, talents, passions to make a profit through tourism, while maintaining the environment. Ecotourism also creates economic incentives for conserving and enhancing cultural diversity and biodiversity. And, it is a vehicle for empowering local communities to develop in a sustainable manner and to fight against poverty. Ours as well as other countries can learn a lot from Costa Rica from the things they recycle to the way they run their country!

Here are some photos from the trip! We got to see so much of this beautiful country and learn so much about a unique environment and economy!

Linked below is a PowerPoint presentation I made for the study abroad course.