
Throughout this course my skills as a professional writer have increased dramatically. My writing has not only become more clear and concise, but my overall language has become more professional and business like. This class made me step out of my comfort zone as an English major where most of my writing is analytical as opposed to persuasive/professional. The skills I have learned in this course will definitely carry over into my career after college. After college I wish to pursue a career as an active duty officer in the US Coast Guard. As an officer the job is less out in the field work and more office work. Sometimes as an officer I will have to deliver bad news to my subordinates, or write  professional emails to other fellow officers. Also with the presentations given through this semester I can effectively  create a presentation that will communicate the information I need to get across. This will help me if I am ever faced with giving a briefing (formal presentation) to my superiors about how my unit is running. Whatever challenges I may encounter in my future career, I feel like I now have a good foundation to help me handle them in the most professional and organized manner.