MUSC 224

Honors MUSC 224 appreciation of music was a very interesting class to take. Music class is something I’ve never taken in my life. Nor have I ever studied any type of music history or listened to much classical music. Therefore, this course expanded my horizons and brought new insight in many ways. It offered an appreciation of cultures and what types of music they listen too. It allowed myself to try and put myself in the era that the music was written whether it was the 1920’s, the 80’2, or even all the way in the 1400’s. I was able to see how music helped shape the world around it and how music can play a big role in society. Music is something everyone is attracted to. When a good beat comes on and you catch yourself bobbing your head or tapping your fingers. The way music and its melodies are intricately connected with the human mind is astounding. During this class we studied ll types of music from classical, jazz, hip hop, alternative, and more. We studied from the early 1400’s to present day and even took a field trip to see an opera. I enjoyed the overall experience of studying music and am glad this course helped me branch out.

Click here to see my research paper on how music can help the human mind while intertwined with fitness.