CTZN 110

In CTZN 110, Bodies and Citizens, we debated, discussed, and verbalized the arguments of highly controversial topics throughout American history. This class at first scared everyone. little bit because it was so hands on and dialect oriented from all the students that it took people off guard. As soon as people began to feel more comfortable during the class, the highly logical discussions and debates that took place allowed everyone to enhance their overall awareness of our country socially, people’s ability to show respect, and hopefully keep an open mind. This class forced us to speak publicly infant of audiences, engage in conversation, and think on a deeper intellectual level. With the final end of the year project, we all got to make our own “course” on a controversial topic of our choice (My final project is located below). This allowed myself and all the students to coherently back up their argument and their material. I felt like this class prepared me for future college classes because the workload was heavy but also managed to retain valuable skills I can use in the future.

Click here for a look at my final project.