Letter to My Senior Self

Dear Senior Matthew,

Deuteronomy 33:26 “There is no one like the God of Jeshurun,
    who rides across the heavens to help you
    and on the clouds in his majesty.”

As you enter life after college, keep this verse close to your heart and mind. As you are excitedly preparing yourself for the next chapter God has for you, remember to thank the people that have gotten you here. Take time to write down and think about your favorite moments of the last 4 years. Call Mom right after you read this and talk to her.

It’s been a heck of a ride for you and God has done big things in your life, for you, and through you. Keep your true friends that you’ve made over the last 4 years close to you and let them know how they have helped you get to this point. If you haven’t met your wife yet, hurry up kid. But most of all, take courage in the steps ahead. Go with confidence that there is a God behind you who is pushing you towards adventure, traveling, risky/fun situations, and beauty to witness and rescue. Slow down. You’ll want to stop this train of life, but you can’t, so enjoy the ride. Stay young at heart, keep life a mystery, don’t try and figure everything out, and courageously take the world by storm. You’ve got the heart of your Dad in you. Push on.

Eagle Eye, OUT