Hist 222

Honors History 222, US history 1877-modern times, was a very interesting course to take. Honors courses had precedent to contain a larger work load and that was true for this course. I had a lot of reading, annotating, and notes to take. In the end, the load work payed off when it came time for our final project. For our final project we created a buzzed page about a topic of US history of our choice. This required us to study one argument?part of history and elaborate on them on a more detailed level. This class required lots of participation in class dialogue and preparation before each class due to pop quizzes. One thing I wish we could have done better in this course is study the counter arguments of each part of history We primarily focused on one side of the topic and I believe we could have an even deeper understanding of our history if we would include the counter argument. Overall, this class wasn’t my favorite but was still a quality honors level course to take.

Click here to see my final project from HIST 222.