Letter to Senior Self

Dear Senior Caroline,

Wow you’re a senior now it’s crazy to believe that I am writing this as a freshman sitting in my room at home in March due to a crazy pandemic that has halted my first spring semester the semester. The most important spring for growing not only for school and finding myself but for field hockey the spring may be out of season and I am so lucky I didn’t have my entire season cancelled but it focuses on growth that is crucial for the fall season. However I may be sitting in my room at home instead of my dorm room writing this letter to myself for four years in the future I need to learn to make the most of this unfortunate situation and be grateful for the chance of extra time with my family. To get back to it I hope you gain a lot of knowledge from this experience because online classes are terrible well they are manageable but it sucks having to take my organic chemistry lab online its sad because that has been my favorite part of chemistry. I hope that in the future you strive to take ever opportunity to get better and experience something cool to take that chance. I have no idea what the future holds because ive definitely learned form this that things can change so quickly. On the future note I really hope that when you are reading this that you have been accepted into nursing school and still have the dream to joining the navy and working on the USS Comfort or the Mercy. Now for field hockey as much as it sucks that you lost all of the fun exciting spring seasons you still had two left and they were probably better and better then you could have ever imagined. I know even now my frustration with the recruitment of foreigners that stay for a year or two don’t care about school and get everything handed to them has settled because by now you have atleast lived with on for two years at least and understood the stress that it puts on you focusing more on them going out on school nights not caring about school unless it making you read over a few of their papers which you didnt mind because you care. I hope you still have that side of you the one that even when you get pushed to the breaking point of having to do extra work for someone else over your own you don’t mind because their your teammate and that will forever be a strong bond. Only because I’m writing this as a freshman and we just got our fall schedule and I’ve had probably four mental breakdowns wondering how im going to maintain my academics when their are only six home games but I believe well not right now in the moment but I know that you got through this you learned to stay up on the bus to do homework and took the longs night in your new fun apartment to really study. You probably didn’t pass every single quiz but you aren’t perfect and that is okay. I better be talking to the Longwood Field Hockey 2022 team captain because for all I can remember playing in college and being a captain in college is the dream ive had since I was a kid. I just hope you can look back at the past four years and truly say like everyone always says these have been some of the best years of you life. And I mean by that not the average because you didnt get to go out to every party every weekend most of your weekends in the fall consist of sitting on a bus driving home or in a hotel rooming bonding with your teammates something that will last so much longer than a night out with a bunch of random people bumping into you. I hope that you still did get to do some normal things such as volunteering for things that well right now I havent gotten the chance to volunteer for things around campus unless its giving a tour to a recruit which is so much fun!! To end things I hope these past few years were all that you imagined and that you took every oppurtunity every chance and made the best out of everything.



Freshman Caroline