Inequality Reflection

SOCL 233: Introduction to Social Inequality and Difference

  • This course focused on the consequences, causes, and theory behind social inequalities in the United States and other countries. This involved distinctions of these inequalities based on race, gender, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, gender, etc.
  • The main project for the class was creating a family budget based on a set of demographics that our group randomly chose. All other writing assignments were answering a set of questions provided by the professor.
  • This class taught me about the ways that society works socially, how much traits about ourselves affect our place in society according to others, and how to understand and interpret this information.

SOCL 325: Gender and Society

  • This course focused on the social construction of gender and the social inequality associated with gender in society. This involved discussions of gender identity in different spheres of society.
  • The main focus of this class was diving into a specific society to understand their individual construction of gender, sexuality, and identity within the culture. This information was also compared to western society.
  • This class taught me to think more abstractly about gender, consider how we assign gender, and the differences and similarities of gender identity in other cultures.

SOCL 252: Sociology of Family Violence

  • This course’s material focused on the causes, effects, and legal aspects of family violence. This included examining and criticizing family violence theories. Topics included: marital rape, spouse abuse, child maltreatment, and parent abuse.
  • Examining court cases and looking at news stories was also a big focus during this class. Generalizations that were made, the way the media portrays cases, and public response were all important points to consider when reading about family violence cases.
  • This class taught me to think critically about how cases of family violence are portrayed in the media, how to criticize theories and the cause and effects of family violence.
  • This class was mainly discussion and fact-based, so I do not have any examples of writing pertaining to this class’s material.