Longwood Seminar (LSEM 100)


For General Education Goal 1, all freshmen at Longwood have to take Longwood Seminar, or LSEM. This is a class to help students understand where their resources are and how to survive in college. It is a class made to be beneficial to the transitioning students and a way to help them not feel overwhelmed by everything new going on.

For me, LSEM was a place to learn about the Honors College and all that I needed to do to succeed within it. Without this class, I would be very lost and very confused as to what I am expected to do, so I am very grateful for both my peer mentor’s and our faculty member’s guidance. Another thing I appreciated in my LSEM class was the visit to a town hall meeting. I had never attended one before, even in my home town, so it was a new experience that let me see how to better involve myself in my community.

The artifact I chose to include for LSEM is the 24 Hours in Farmville assignment we did. I had so much fun going around with my friends as we worked on this assignment, and I truly got to see what Farmville had in store. It was due to this assignment that my friends and I not only got to try out new places, but were inspired to continue going to the various places located in town. I think this paper helped me create a memory I will not soon forget.