Honors: Special Topics (HONS 295)

Honors: Special Topics – Love, Sex, and Friendship

One of the unique Honors class that I got to take in my first year was Honors: Special Topics with Dr. Blincoe. This class dealt with different views of Love, Sex, and Friendship in philosophy. This class allowed us to discuss how we interpreted the content without being told how we should interpret it. This class went in depth with books like The Symposium and The Four Loves, and it also covered movies, like Lars and the Real Girl and related them to the topics Love, Sex, and Friendship. We also had the other Dr. Blincoe come in and relate the content to psychology as well.

The artifact I chose for this class is the paper I wrote about Lars and The Real Girl. This, I feel, is the best paper I wrote in the whole class, and the time I really felt I connected the topics that we covered in class to one of the sources. This paper was made after a long time of working towards learning how to truly connect the topics in my papers, and while this is not perfect it was a major improvement from what I had been doing. I am sure that I will be using all that I learned about creating arguments and connecting the sources together in future classes, like I did in this paper.