Writing & Research (ENGL 150)

Writing and Research

For General Education goal 2, all students at Longwood have to take English 150. This class was to help get students introduced to writing in the college environment. I personally found this class extremely helpful as I had never had any experience with any sort of college writing or college writing preparation in high school. We were taught how to write papers we should expect to see in our classes, like literature reviews, summaries, and research papers. Without this class, I would not have the grades I have now.

The artifact that I chose for this class is the last paper I wrote, and the paper I was the most proud of. This is the close reading essay I had to write, and I wanted to try really hard to do well at it, since this is a paper used often in the humanities. I felt that overall, from my previous papers in the class, that this paper was a product of my growth. I plan to review this paper, and all the others, when assigned papers of various types here at Longwood.