Goal 4 Theatre 101
Since I took theatre classes in high school, I was very familiar with most of the information covered in this course. However, in my theatre 101 class I learned how to better respect those people with differing opinions than my own. I have very strong likes and dislikes when it comes to plays, acting styles, and staging. Though my professor and I generally agreed on the ways in which certain plays should be staged, that was all that we could agree on. Actors that she adored I felt were sub-par and plays that I loved to watch she ridiculed. At first I felt that because our opinions were vastly different that one of us had to be right and the other wrong, but as the semester continued I learned that both of our opinions were valid. She was a very intelligent scholar who had phenomenal reasons for feeling the way that she did about theatre. However, just because I was not quite as learned does not mean that the way I feel about plays is not valid. Our opinions were different, but neither of us were wrong. This respect for differing opinions that I acquired is a valuable tool that I will use all throughout my life.