

Another big project as a group we have to make an imaginary company and have to create a way to sell the product to the customers through brochure and press release. Our group and I decided to make a company called KAS Technology Designs which sells Neuro-Cam. The product is a surgically implanted chip that is 10cm in diameter. The chip is implanted into the part of brain which captures scenes before your eyes and stores the memory in your long-term memory. This led us to participate collaborative projects and make creative ideas. For the brochure, we decided to make the color to make the customers to buy the product. For, this we were able to create professional documents that uses design-standard formats, layouts, use of graphics. For, this we were able to use pictures of the chip and pictures to attract customers to buy the product. Also, we able to have testimonials from the customers who bought the product to persuade the customers.

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