Letter to my Senior-Self

Dear future Amber,

I just wrapped up my freshman year at Longwood University. Right now I can barely comprehend the woman I will be in three years with the great amount of growth I have made in just one year. At first, I had some doubts that Longwood may not be my home but after this last school year, I could not be more confident that I made the right decision to pursue my degree in English here. 

The English and Modern Languages department have proven to be very grand in comparison to other universities in Virginia. The staff that I have gotten to know have also proven to be great assets to my education needs. Without professors like Brandon Haffner and Heather Lettner-Rust along with my English Major peers, I would not be able to achieve as much academically. After graduating, I do not want to forget Longwood and all of the amazing experiences it has given me as a scholar.

At the Cormier Honors College, I have gotten to know the faculty, like Dr. Blincoe and Dr. Dudley-Shotwell, as well as the familiar faces of Honors Students in almost every class I have. I truly have found my own community amongst the English department as well as within the Honors College.  I know that the skills I have picked up through having to become more of a social person will be useful to me throughout my life as well. In the future, I hope that you are able to find a community no matter where you end up.

Another way I grew this year was by becoming the secretary of Alpha Lambda Delta for my upcoming sophomore year. Although my role may not be very big, it is still a great start to the rest of my college career along with allowing me to network more through the many service events ALD will hold. The CHC and ALD serve as a great ways for me to give back to the Farmville community as well as learn how I can give back in the future. My hopes for you, future Amber, is that you have found a role in the church so that you can not only give back in material ways but also in spiritual ways.

I know that the people I have met in just these short nine months have created a great foundation for you, Amber. Please do everything you can to take the advice and recommendations your professors, peers, and mentors give to you to heart so that you can continue to succeed in the future and in your career.


Best of luck,

Amber Thomas

