

On campus, I have found many sources of community. I found my main community in the Cormier Honors College with the many friendly faces I recognize in my classes that I am able to grow closer to by spending my free time with them. I have also grown close to my work community, at Au Bon Pain, where I have had the privilege of befriending some of the residents of Farmville along with my student-coworkers. In my sophomore year, I joined BCM where I was able to grow my campus community and I started to attend a local Baptist church.


Having been given the opportunity to get a higher level of education when so many are unable to do the same is a privilege. Longwood University is a wonderful school that has provided me with numerous educational opportunities that I don’t believe other schools would have been able to provide me. For instance, a liberal education, a close relationship with my professors, and scholarships that allow me to attend university. I strive to be the best student I can be because I know that my Longwood peers and professors want me to succeed.


Giving back to people in the area is a great way to network, help those in need, and grow closer to those around me. It also has helped me to realize that just a little bit of my time can make a big difference in others’ lives. The service I have completed at Longwood has also lead to me the conclusion that my future career will not be worth anything to me unless I am actively working to make the world a better place. Although I’m not sure what exactly that role is yet, I do know that I’d like to write grants and manage projects for non-profits to provide a service for my community.