
Table 1

Chi Squared Test of Time Taken to Complete Thankful Turkey Activity Based on Previous Participation in Similar Activities

  Observed Expected Chi- Square Degree Freedom
Less than 20 mins/with similar activity 5 3.6 17.6 2
Less than 20 mins/without similar activity 7 8.4    
More than 20 mins/with similar activity 6 7.4    
More than 20 mins/without similar activity 19 17.6    

Note: Unsure was removed from being an answer choice.

 Table 1 above shows the relationship between time taken to complete the thankful turkey activity, based on the child’s previous experience in similar activities. The time taken to complete the activity was broken into two categories, less than twenty minutes and more than twenty minutes. The chi squared value was 17.6, greater than the chi squared value at the 0.01 level.