
Identity: Citizen Leader


English 400 ( Completed in Valenica, Spain through Longwood Study Abroad Program)

Education 470 “Project Success”

English 150

Psychology 423

English 483

Education 245


You may think all of these courses have absolutely nothing in common, however these 6 courses have had the most impact on me and my time at Longwood. I realized that the courses I picked can be related to Longwoods ideal of becoming a “Citizen Leader”. I feel like these classes that I have taken or currently taking have helped me shaped me into the citizen leader I am today. Each citizen leader is very different in the way they are impacted, these classes that I think have shaped I can’t say have helped a different person.

These classes have all taught me something new about myself, whether it be about my personality, my leadership styles, my strengths and weaknesses or my values. All these classes have helped me discover a little but more about myself that I would have never known about if it wasn’t for those classes. These classes have also in turn helped me realize what I want my career path to be. I came into college knowing exactly what I thought I wanted to do, but through classes, and experiences I realized there was a different career path for me. I can’t say I am in expert in any specific area however I do think I have become a citizen leader, and I am on my track to becoming in expert in the psychology field!