If you were to ask me before I came to college if I was going to join a sorority, I would have answered no immediately with no hesitation. However, after just a few months of being at Longwood I realized just how much I wanted to be apart of a sisterhood. I found myself going through Formal Recruitment during the spring of 2016, where I accepted a bid from Alpha Delta Pi. The next semester I applied for a position on the College Panhellenic Council, which is the governing body over the current 9 social sororities here at Longwood University. I was elected the position of Vice President of Recruitment, where I planned and executed events for potential new members to learn about the Formal Recruitment process. I also planned and organized all of Formal Recruitment for 2018! I enjoyed my time on CPC so much that I reapplied for the executive board for another term, this time applying for the role of President. I was elected President of the College Panhellenic Council in the fall of 2017, and officially started my position in January of 2018. I have fallen in love with being apart of CPC, and embracing the trait of being Panhellenic.
To discuss this role as far as leadership goes, I have to say being in a leadership role that governs all women’s sororities is very difficult. However, I am very passionate about the Greek Community and all the efforts that are put into the community. My leadership style is unique to my personality, I am very accepting of my councils ideas and even their own leadership styles. I push for members to take their position and run with it in a positive and impacting direction. I also always encourage members of the council to create new ideas and execute them, and I encourage myself to do that as well. I would say that when it comes to Greek Life I am very experienced and well informed about it all. I have loved every moment of being apart of CPC, it has definitely made me a more well-rounded, passionate and accepting leader and woman.
Being President of an organization I have learned a lot what it means to be professional in certain settings. However, there are different professional settings in my life. Over the summer I had the opportunity to nanny two little girls, it was a full-time job in which I cared for and watched over these girls almost as if they were my own! Since I was paid very well for my services, I established my presence very professional especially the first few times of me meeting the family. I took this job seriously because I hope to work with kids in the near future in the school counseling field. This experience of being a nanny actually helped me a lot because I recently dropped the teaching licensure last semester and I wasn’t sure what my future was looking like. Becoming a nanny I realized how much I love working with kids and how I never want to give up that dream of mine. I have had so many wonderful opportunities in my life that have lead me to where I am now, and I am very grateful for University I attend and for the path I am finally traveling on!
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“How to stop being annoyed by life”
By: David G. Allan CNN
While life can be stressful, frustrating and just simply annoying, there are many ways to handle your life’s daily doses. Author David Allan recently wrote a piece for CNN on “How to stop being annoyed by life”.https://www.cnn.com/2016/07/14/health/stop-being-annoyed-wisdom-project/index.html
The article goes into depth with a list of ten steps you can take in order to manage your frustrating life. The ten steps begin with taking ten deep breaths followed by step two explaining the annoying situation to yourself. The third step is what everyone tells you to do when in a situation with another person, just put yourself in their shoes or as Allan puts it “walk a meter in their shoes”. The fourth step which is role model grace is a step that allows for self reflection within the situation. The fifth step is this too shall pass, meaning this annoyance in your life will not be permanent. The sixth step is asking yourself what really matters, and the seventh step is a funny thing happened on the way, meaning make this situation humorous. The eighth step is to seek solutions, asking yourself what is that I can do better to make this situation not occur again. The ninth step is to have trust in time while the last step number ten is to call a lifeline if things cannot be fixed on your own. These steps to creating less annoyance and frustration in our lives in vital especially for college students who are actively involved, working with other people and engaging in rigorous academic courses.
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