Data Analysis Project- Veteran Population in Farmville

For my Data Analysis Project I decided to use the American Fact Finder to find data on the Veteran population in Farmville. I decided to I wanted to look at the Veteran population in Farmville, because I come from a military family I find the population of Veteran’s to be unique especially in different locations.  I found it interesting that in Farmville there isn’t a large percentage of Veterans, but also thinking about it Farmville’s population is not very large either.


I decided to just look at the population percentage for gender and then adding 65 and older as additional category. The American Fact Finder for Veteran population had categories for the age group 18-64 for both male and female. For simplicity, I just analyzed the data for the males and females who has the status of veteran, and the same thing for 65 and older. I decided to use a pie chart to look at the total in  the sense of being “whole”. And I used the bar graph to see the difference between the categories in their totals.