If you were to ask me before I came to college if I was going to join a sorority, I would have answered no immediately with no hesitation. However, after just a few months of being at Longwood I realized just how much I wanted to be apart of a sisterhood. I found myself going through Formal Recruitment during the spring of 2016, where I accepted a bid from Alpha Delta Pi. The next semester I applied for a position on the College Panhellenic Council, which is the governing body over the current 9 social sororities here at Longwood University. I was elected the position of Vice President of Recruitment, where I planned and executed events for potential new members to learn about the Formal Recruitment process. I also planned and organized all of Formal Recruitment for 2018! I enjoyed my time on CPC so much that I reapplied for the executive board for another term, this time applying for the role of President. I was elected President of the College Panhellenic Council in the fall of 2017, and officially started my position in January of 2018. I have fallen in love with being apart of CPC, and embracing the trait of being Panhellenic.
To discuss this role as far as leadership goes, I have to say being in a leadership role that governs all women’s sororities is very difficult. However, I am very passionate about the Greek Community and all the efforts that are put into the community. My leadership style is unique to my personality, I am very accepting of my councils ideas and even their own leadership styles. I push for members to take their position and run with it in a positive and impacting direction. I also always encourage members of the council to create new ideas and execute them, and I encourage myself to do that as well. I would say that when it comes to Greek Life I am very experienced and well informed about it all. I have loved every moment of being apart of CPC, it has definitely made me a more well-rounded, passionate and accepting leader and woman.
Being President of an organization I have learned a lot what it means to be professional in certain settings. However, there are different professional settings in my life. Over the summer I had the opportunity to nanny two little girls, it was a full-time job in which I cared for and watched over these girls almost as if they were my own! Since I was paid very well for my services, I established my presence very professional especially the first few times of me meeting the family. I took this job seriously because I hope to work with kids in the near future in the school counseling field. This experience of being a nanny actually helped me a lot because I recently dropped the teaching licensure last semester and I wasn’t sure what my future was looking like. Becoming a nanny I realized how much I love working with kids and how I never want to give up that dream of mine. I have had so many wonderful opportunities in my life that have lead me to where I am now, and I am very grateful for University I attend and for the path I am finally traveling on!
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