Posts made in August, 2018

Blog #1

“How to stop being annoyed by life”

By: David G. Allan CNN


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While life can be stressful, frustrating and just simply annoying, there are many ways to handle your life’s daily doses. Author David Allan recently wrote a piece for CNN on “How to stop being annoyed by life”.

The article goes into depth with a list of ten steps you can take in order to manage your frustrating life. The ten steps begin with taking ten deep breaths followed by step two explaining the annoying situation to yourself. The third step is what everyone tells you to do when in a situation with another person, just put yourself in their shoes or as Allan puts it “walk a meter in their shoes”. The fourth step which is role model grace is a step that allows for self reflection within the situation. The fifth step is this too shall pass, meaning this annoyance in your life will not be permanent. The sixth step is asking yourself what really matters, and the seventh step is a funny thing happened on the way, meaning make this situation humorous. The eighth step is to seek solutions, asking yourself what is that I can do better to make this situation not occur again. The ninth step is to have trust in time while the last step number ten is to call a lifeline if things cannot be fixed on your own. These steps to creating less annoyance and frustration in our lives in vital especially for college students who are actively involved, working with other people and engaging in rigorous academic courses.

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