Letter to My Senior Self

Dear Senior Self,

Freshman year was rough as hell. Things got tough, deadlines were scary, and procrastination was rampant. But I’m sure when you’re in senior year, that distant freshman year seems trivial to you. Well, as a past self, I’ll say that it was difficult, but still worth the time and effort, because I’ve never learned so much in such a tiny timespan as this school year before. Just 10 short months! I can’t believe it, looking back at all the stuff I’ve done already.

If I’ve joined this many communities, did this much community service, and scored this high of grades during my freshman year, I can’t wait to see where I end up my senior year.

I’m excited, and afraid. I hope you’ll be a little less scared once you get there, and graduate. Adulthood isn’t so far away anymore, and graduation even less time. Just remember to slow down, think with a level head, and remember: you’re not an awful person. I know, pretty outlandish, but try to let that sink in. It’s okay. You’re doing fine, you’ll continue to do fine.

