NURS 220

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Attached is a copy of all the skills I learned in Nursing 220: Clinical Skills for Nursing Practice. These skills had to get checked off in the lab recognizing that I was competent before entering the clinical setting and advancing to the next level. The columns on the left is what was done in the lab and what is on the right is what was completed in the clinical setting.

Throughout this course I created a solid foundation for what nursing care is suppose to look like. While the attached assignment documentation was a key aspect to my success in this class, it continues throughout my time at Longwood within the Nursing program and continue to learn new skills and get those checked off on those skills. Due to Covid-19 I am unable to be in the clinical setting and/or lab, therefore upon my return to Longwood, my primary goal is to get back in the lab and refresh my skills before the start of clinical. Long term, I want to be able to successfully practice each of the skills on a patient in the clinical setting so I am closer to being ready to enter the field.

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