BIOL 120

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Attached is a group project presentation from a scientific experiment conducted Fall 2019. The authors of this project included Alexis Wayland, Adam Gyori, Emily Sukhai, and myself, Kelsey Swegle. During the fall semester in BIOL 120, we had to conduct two scientific experiments both with variables of our choosing. In this particular experiment we were given the foundation of the growth a specific type of plant called Brassica rapa. Within out groups we were able to decide what exactly we wanted to test. My group decided to test the effects of different type of water those being mineralized, distilled, and deionized water. Our PowerPoint presentation that we gave to out class regarding out experiment is what is attached.

Biology classes remain on of my favorite courses at Longwood. It breaks up a lot of my other classes which happen to be Nursing. This particular class was a requirement for my minor and also a prerequisite for other required classes for my minor. This course was an introduction to other biology courses. Throughout it we looked at and studied different scientific experiments as well as create a foundation of knowledge for biology. Studying the different experiments was very beneficial and I learned a lot. All that I have learned can also be reflected within the attached PowerPoint and this encompasses everything I have learned throughout the year. I hope to one day take a course in which I have to write my own research paper in addition to the presentation because it is something that fascinates me. In the near future I hope to continue research at an undergraduate level. Long term, I hope to be able to write my own research paper and have it published whether that is apart of undergraduate or graduate studies. This class was the foundation for that. As a current nursing student this is not something that I do everyday, but it can be something that I do everyday depending on the course I chose to take after undergrad.

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