Hello world!

Welcome Instructor, Mentor, and Peers!

Thank you for taking the time to look at my blog! I am excited to be apart of this experience with everyone for the next few weeks. I feel as though the past four years have really prepared me for this, between classroom facilitation’s, preliminary fieldwork hours, Healthy Innovations, and many other great opportunities I got to experience in the program. I hope to better my communication skills between my mentor and other students while working on different assignments throughout the next few weeks. I also hope to become more confident in my leadership abilities during facilitation’s, group discussions, and my work overall. My current interests in Therapeutic Recreation is working with adolescents in a hospital setting. I also have an interest in working with older adults on an Alzheimer’s and Dementia unit at a long term care facility.

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2 Responses to Hello world!

  1. Sarah Irby says:

    Hey Emilee! Hope you are having a good summer. Your blog introduction seems to meet all the criteria so way to go with that. I would suggest going a bit more in depth about how the experiences you’ve mentioned have helped prepare you for the internship. Was there any particular moment or interaction that made a lasting impact? I would love to hear more details about your personal growth. Additionally, I think your blog title is a bit long, perhaps you could shorten it so that it is more aesthetically pleasing! Good luck with the next several weeks!

  2. Courtney Price says:

    Hey Emilee! I love the introduction on your home page. You met all the criteria needed and you were concise with the information. The only suggestions I would make is to possibly add some more color to your blog. For example, changing the background color of the blog. Also, I would suggest possibly centering your professional picture on the home page. Overall you did a great job and met all the criteria!

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