- According to the author, in order to make a habit stick, one has to make it satisfying. Unfortunately, most people have bad habits because they find good habits unsatisfying. Select a “good” work habit you find unsatisfying but want to engage in more often. According to the author, how would you go about making that habit satisfying?
A good work habit that I find unsatisfying is reading. Whether it is reading a book, or a paper, or some sort of research. I want to read more and at a slower and better pace, I find myself reading so fast sometimes to just get through the reading to say “I did it”. However, when I do so I never really understand what I just read and will sometimes have to go back and never really learn anything from the entirety of the reading. To make it satisfying I need to have some immediate reward with the reading. Every time I read I love seeing the reward of the page numbers go up and making me feel accomplished, but I also need to sit there a repeat back what I read. If I can learn one new thing from the reading that will give me that reward I need to make reading satisfying.
2. When tracking a habit, the author says “don’t miss twice” and “don’t break the chain.” How can you apply this idea when working with clients to help them improve their quality of life?
When improving the client’s quality of life we can make the schedules from them to make sure they are keeping up on their goals and also keeping up on good habits. “I can’t be perfect, but I can avoid a second lapse. As soon as one streak ends, I get started on the next one” (Clear, 2018) You will know what the client’s need to work on and their different goals, with that information you put them into different interventions to help them work on getting to that goal. You as the RT can make sure they are doing an intervention to work on their particular goals and build good habits three times a week. If they are doing it Monday, Wednesday, Friday then there is only one day in between and never go two days without doing it. Then you can give the parents or caregivers some “homework” for the week and say that you would like them to do this particular thing once over the week for 30 minutes. With this plan the client will never miss twice or break their chain of improving their quality of life.
Clear, J. (2018). Atomic Habits: an easy &proven way to build good habits & break bad ones. New York, NY: Penguin Random House LLC.
Criteria for Success:
Learning Outcome: Completed Blog Post The student completed a reflective writing blog post according to the assignment description to include replying to all questions in a narrative (paragraph) format.
Learning Outcome: Attendance & Participation The student was on time to the book club meeting, attended the entire session, and participated actively and independently in the discussion/activities presented.