Week 4

  1. What is the role of dopamine in making a habit attractive? How could you use this idea when working with clients to help them improve their leisure habits?

The role of dopamine in making a certain habit attractive is that it gives you the desire         to do something. Whether you are desiring the end state feeling or just anticipating               the reward, the dopamine is released. The Dopamine helps you get that feeling of want         when you do a certain task or action. When working with clients you can give them an         reward at the end of doing a certain task, but making sure you state exactly what they           get at the end. For an example, if a male client doesn’t want to do the craft project but         you know he really like playing basketball. You can tell him as soon as he finished the           project he can play basketball and shoot around for 10 minutes, then doing the craft             project becomes more attractive for him to do it since he gets the reward.

  2. According to the author, there are 3 social groups. How can you use the            influence of these groups to improve your work habits? Use an example to        illustrate your point.

The 3 social groups are:

  1. The Close
  2. The Many
  3. The Powerful

We can use the groups in our work habits by making sure to follow the positive people of the different groups to help benefit yourself. For “The Close”, you need to find someone that has positive work habits and gets results like getting A’s on projects and not procrastinating. For an example of the close to me is my girlfriend, she has great grades and never waits on things and always wants to get ahead on assignments. Therefore, when she wants to do school work so will I and I will copy her work ethic to make sure I don’t get behind on this virtual internship. For “The Many”, you don’t need to second guess yourself and have that courage. For an example I check every other classmates blogs sometimes to see how they are doing and how they are doing things. Sometimes I need to stop acting like I am doing something wrong just because someone’s blog post has a good amount of different things than mine. Doesn’t mean they are wrong, I just need to stand my ground more and be confident in what I post and be happy with the ability I post at. Lastly is “The Powerful”, and that is copying people with a higher position in life like a celebrity. For an example, a person of power I admire and want to follow is Christian Guzman, he has the craziest work ethic of working  20 hour days in building this project of his called “AlphaLand” which would be the first fantasy factory of the fitness industry. The amount of work that he puts in every single day to succeed is very admirable and not many people are that dedicated to something.

Criteria for Success: 

Learning Outcome: Completed Blog Post

The student completed a reflective writing blog post according to the assignment description to include replying to all questions in a narrative (paragraph) format.

Learning Outcome: Attendance & Participation

The student was on time to the book club meeting, attended the entire session, and participated actively and independently in the discussion/activities presented.

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