
The second assignment was to create a brochure to market a new product. My group decided to market a dog translator called “Dog Dialogue.”  This brochure serves as another form of a persuasive document. The course learning outcome that was targeted in this assignment were primarily number four and six. Number four was to create a professional document, this was accomplished by using inviting images, text, and white space on brochure panels. One important aspect I learned from Professional Writing Skills, is what information goes on each panel of the brochure. For example, on the second-panel the writer would want to include information such as specific details about the product or service, this would serve as the “interest” panel. Number six course learning outcome, which was to participate productively in collaborate projects.  This was accomplished by collaborating with two other colleagues to make a successful brochure with the required components. Brochures are an important document to successfully be able to create in my field of study, as speech-language pathologists are always informing clients and families. Brochures are easy and cost-effective ways to get your message out to the intended audience.

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