ENGL 165: Writing and Rhetoric

It has been a long time since I’ve written something that I truly felt proud of. I think it was a combination of my love for this topic and the quality of writing that was produced after a large number of revisions. I would have loved to include more research and revise it more to polish and fix unclear sentences or grammatical errors. After seeing the power of revision through writing this paper, I am going to start revising everything that I write, which I should have been doing before but didn’t see the worth in it. Being proud of something that I’ve written has inspired and motivated me to be proud of everything that I write so that I can insure that it is my best effort and hopefully best quality writing that I know how to do.

I struggled writing the personal essay because I was so unfamiliar with the genre. So as I continue my college education, I want to try and continue to write in other genre’s so that I can hopefully be as skilled of a writer as I aspire to be now in academic writing. Writing takes a lot of work and intention which is something that I hope will continue to be seen in my writing, even if it isn’t the finest writing.

This is a persuasive research paper that I wrote in February 2019, in which I decided to inform and persuade my audience on some of the problems with our current education system in the United States. This was the first of the papers that we wrote in ENGL 165.