EDUC 245: Human Growth and Development

Being a liberal studies major, my first education class was one of my favorite classes that I took freshman year. I really liked this project because it expanded my perspective and knowledge on different factors that could affect a child development. The research that I gathered from this project not only taught me about the factors from a military lifestyle that could affect a child’s development, but also ideas from a teaching standpoint to help these children succeed. As I continue to learn more about education, I aspire to be open to all factors that may be affecting a child’s education and work with them in creative and unique ways so that the child can receive the best education that I can give them. Upon presenting my powerpoint, I realized that I should have cleaned up the sentence structure so that during my presentation I wasn’t stumbling on my words. I learned from that presentation that before I do a presentation, it would be best to practice through the presentation on my own time to avoid and work through and slip-ups. Additionally, this presentation made me always want to seek how I can use a students background to help them learn in my classroom and therefore get a more beneficial education.

One of the first projects we had in class was an Inquiry-Based project which was due in March 2019. My Inquiry-Based project focused on the influence of military lifestyle on child development. This was the project that I was most proud of and enjoyed the research for the most.