SPAN 111: Beginning Language and Culture

When I was taking this class, I underestimated the importance of not only learning the language, but the culture associated with it. The Cultural Video Project pushed me to research Hispanic Culture. During this class and this project, I not only learned how to speak and write Spanish, but I also learned about a number of cultures that are associated with the Spanish language. I found that it made me a better student because by learning about the culture, it brought the language to life and created a landscape in which the language would fit. My cultural video project was from the standpoint of how TV portrays Hispanic culture, while I enjoyed this topic, I think it would have been better to focus of the music scene. After realizing the importance of learning about other people’s culture, I am going to try and continue to learn about the different cultures that I encounter with an open mind.

After completing a Cultural Video Project, we were supposed to write a reflection on it as well in November 2018. This reflection was more focused on what we learned about Hispanic culture, how it compares to our own culture, and any inquiries we had left about Hispanic culture.