
Service: contribution to the welfare of others. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

Service was always a requirement at my high school and it became something that I saw less as a requirement and more as an act that I wanted to partake in because of its intrinsic values. During my time at Longwood, I have learned about how service not only captures the physical concrete acts that one may do to help another, but the posture of the heart that develops when one loves to serve another. To me, being a servant to your community and being inclined towards acts of service, reflects how the posture of your heart expresses the best interest of another. That is what I think is at the heart of service, having the best interest of another. I think this is something that Longwood reflects in how our community is structured. Our secret societies encourage acts of service among the student body while embracing the best interest of every student through promoting traditions, inspiring one another, and recognizing various achievements. Additionally, I would argue that Longwood is a school that fundamentally functions from a place of service. This can be clearly seen in how willing professors are to aid a student, how passionate every faculty member is about their role, and finally, how committed everyone in the Longwood community, faculty, staff, professors, and alumni, are to educating and preparing tomorrow’s citizen leaders.

Having service be so intentionally and passionately modeled throughout the Longwood community continues to inspire me everyday to give back, be a helper, and always look at another individual with their best interest at heart.

“Service to the whole without seeking honor for thyself.” – Chi

“To lead is to serve.” – Princeps

“For others, we give.” – Cahoots