Study Abroad

My study abroad experience took a unique and unexpected turn due to the precautions and limitations set on travelling by COVID-19. In a lot of ways, I am thankful for how this study abroad experience took shape because of the collaboration between American and Dutch students that the focus of the class relied on.

During this experience, we were grouped with two other Dutch students and challenged to identify a need within our local communities due to COVID-19. In a time where the global pandemic has left many feeling hopeless, powerless, and stuck in a state of forever processing the change, this project put power back in our hand as we were challenged to creatively address a current problem. My group identified the alarming effects of single-use disposable masks and lack of attention on environmental issues due to the focus on the global pandemic. Our solution, was to increase recycling opportunities for single-use disposable masks to eliminate waste and growing pollution. It was nice to think about something bigger than ourselves and collaborate with a culture that is different than ours, yet we are all facing the same catastrophic event.

In a surprising way, I think that this experience helped me process the global pandemic in a healthy way because I got to work with others to pose a solution to a problem created by it compared to constantly being exhausted by the present day situation. This was not what I thought my study abroad experience would have been, but I am thankful for it none the less.