
Hi! My name is Anna Sotelo and I am a Liberal Studies major with a concentration in Elementary Education and a minor in Special Education at Longwood University. Ever since I was a kid I have dreamed of becoming a teacher. I can still remember the little teacher play kits I had and how excited I was to receive “teaching materials” from my aunt, who taught 6th grade english. With a curious mind, I have always loved to learn and teach others of that same knowledge. I am so excited to continue my education at Longwood University, immersing myself in this kind, encouraging, and intelligent community.

I am currently involved in Longwood Ambassadors, Peer Mentor, The Big Event, Intervarsity, and the Honors Student Association. One of the greatest pieces of advice that I got as an incoming freshman was to take advantage of the opportunities and resources that Longwood has to offer. Soaking up all the opportunities has introduced me to some incredible people and allowed me to travel to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem to study different stewardship issues that citizens in the surrounding communities face.

I hope you enjoy my portfolio of what I have learned and experienced in some of my classes as much as I did!