General Education Goals

Goal 1 – Longwood Seminar

Fall 2017

Longwood Seminar’s summer reading book was none other thanĀ every day. This incredible booko shed light on what it is like to look through the eyes of someone else – even just for a day. When meeting the author, it was fascinating to hear his thoughts behind the creation of the plot and characters. The class itself was taught by Dean Baker, who greatly helped keep me on track through my first semester. I am definitely her starfish.

Goals 2-11

Fall 2015-Spring 2016

Goals 2-11 I fulfilled while attending Governor’s School during my time in high school. I am very thankful for this opportunity. I learned a lot during these gen ed courses, including how to manage my time and good study habits, things that I would use as I transferred these credits to Longwood University and began attending classes.

Goal 12 – Honors Ethics

Spring 2018

Ethics was unlike any course I had ever taken before. This course was full of information that was difficult to retain and required a lot of studying, but was information that I enjoyed learning about. The professor made it very interesting, and was a course that I would have liked to further explore.

Goal 13 – 14

Not yet obtained, will keep you posted.


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