
This ePortfolio contains my professional writing projects for English 470, including correspondence, brochure, press release, and formal report. These projects helped me learn about professional writing in a way that will positively affect me in the future. The brochure helped me learn how to take into account all aspects of a visual project to predict how the public will respond to the information in the project. The press release helped me develop my plain language skills so that I can better educate and connect with clients and parents who may not have a high level of education. The formal report gave me skills in working with others on a large project and breaking up a large project over time on a schedule to make sure it is completed on time without doing everything over one night. Lastly, the correspondence taught me how to better connect with clients and parents in a way that makes them feel like they are getting the best services. These skills will all serve me as a future speech-language pathologist.

English 470