Goal 3.5

Students will be able to perform competently in a professional setting.

My time at Longwood has definitely prepared me for life after college. I recently had an interview for Johnson & Johnson and I felt extremely confident. I was interviewing for a internship for a clinical trial organization and after doing mock interviews in biology 489, I knew exactly how to answer their questions. I knew beforehand to look at the company’s values and research to be able to integrate that into my answers. I also knew what my weaknesses were being something I have had to work hard on throughout all of college which is time management. I know that I have to keep myself on a strict schedule or it becomes very easy for me to procrastinate. It made it easy to talk to the interviewer and feel more like a conversation than a question and answer. Longwood has really showed me my flaws and skills that I can use to help get a job and show that I will excel in it.